Oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking processes

If we talk about modern steelmaking technologies, the key ones are the oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking processes. The martensky method of steelmaking is used less and less in the global metallurgy. And this is largely due to “green ecology” again. As is known, the open-hearth smelting process takes 9 hours, while the converter and electric furnace smelting lasts 50 minutes. Yes, the converter and the electric furnace require additional equipment, while the open-hearth, by and large, can be done all in one place, but nevertheless, the open-hearth production is more costly in terms of energy resources and environment. It uses natural gas, which results in serious emissions into the atmosphere. Already today about 70% of steel is melted in converters, 29% is melted in electric furnaces and very little – in open-hearth furnaces.

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